2012 Ford FOCUS
2012 Ford FOCUS SEState: | California |
City: | Los Angeles |
Address: | 1435 E Gage Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90001 |
Zip code: | 90005 |
Make: | Ford |
Model: | Focus |
Body type: | Sedan |
Year: | 2012 |
Mileage: | 63452 |
Interior color: | Black |
Exterior color: | White |
Transmission: | Manual |
Engine: | L4, 2.0L; FFV |
Trim Level: | SE |
Body Type: | 4 Door Sedan |
Manufacturer: | Ford Motor Company |
Production Seq. Number: | 151171 |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline/E85 |
Engine Code: | 2 |
Drive Line Type: | FWD |
Vehicle Type: | Passenger Car |
Vehicle Class: | Small Car |
Restraint System: | Dual Air Bag; Manual Belts; Side Air Bag |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
Check Digit: | X |
MPG: | M5:26-36-30/AM6:28-38-31 |
AAIA: | 189383/189388 |
AAIA_ENGINE: | 16666 |
AAIA_LEGACY: | 1501060 |
AAIA_VehicleID: | 189383/189383/189383/189383 |
AAIA_EngineConfigID: | 16666/16666/16666/16666 |
AAIA_TransmissionID: | 3687/747/3687/747 |
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: | 1/1/1/1 |
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: | 6/6/9/9 |
AAIA_DriveTypeID: | 5/5/5/5 |
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: | 1/1/1/1 |
Cars condition:SALVAGE REBUILT RL. The car at the moment looks exactly as in the photos. CR Options: 5-Speed M/T, ABS Brakes, Air Conditioning, Cloth Seats, Bucket Seats, Driver Air Bag, Chilld Safety Locks ,Mp3 compatible Stereo, Steel Wheels Power Locks, Power Mirrors.Trip Computer, Traction control!